MGMT 3313 – Introduction to Entrepreneurship                                                                                                                 (3 Credit Hours)
This course is designed to provide students with the skills to plan and launch their own business. The course covers many topics including how to brainstorm new business ideas, how to finance a business, how to market a business and how to manage expenses. Course assignments will focus on personal start-up projects and developing business plans.

Prerequisites: ENGL 1301. Open to all majors with a minimum of 60 hours                                                                    Offered: Fall

MGMT 3314 – Social Entrepreneurship
                                                                                                                                  (3 Credits Hours)
Analysis of social enterprise models from micro-finance to job development. Students in the course will learn how social entrepreneurs have developed creative solutions to address social problems. This course will enable students to examine a social or environmental problem and design a new business, nonprofit organization, or internal program to address it.

Prerequisites: ENGL 1301. Open to all majors with a minimum of 60 hours                                                                  Offered: Spring


MGMT 3323 – Small and Family Business Management                                                                                                   (3 Credit Hours)
This course focuses on the challenges of managing and growing small and family businesses. The course is organized in two parts: the first half of the semester is dedicated to small businesses and the second half is dedicated to family businesses. Among other things, students will learn to identify and address challenges related to responsible ownership, succession, and family governance.

Prerequisites: Open to all majors with a minimum of 60 total credit hours                                                                    Offered: Fall

MGMT 4326 – Business Plan Development                                                                                                                          
(3 Credits Hours)
It is an introduction to the process of researching, writing, and presenting a business plan. Students identify and screen ideas using a business feasibility study that describes the product features, market opportunity, customer profile, sales forecast, competitive advantage, and profit potential. Following a successful feasibility study, student groups may use business plan software as each develops their own complete business plan.

Students who plan to compete in “Shark-tank” type competition will be encouraged to take this class. While learning to prepare traditional business plans will be the focus of this course, lean start-ups will also be discussed.

Prerequisite: ENTR 3311 and permission from instructor                                                                                               Offered: As Needed

MGMT 4362 
– Special Topics in Entrepreneurship                                                                                                           (3 Credit Hours)

The course emphasis is on the study of selected topics.  It is offered as needed to include timely themes and trends.

Prerequisites: Permission from instructor and department chair                                                                                Offered: As Needed